Post by ladydi on Oct 11, 2005 14:40:19 GMT -6
Not to rain on anyone's parade but with all the hype I just want to say that I hope everyone is standing above the tree line with their feet on the ground. Make a plan, keep a level head. Have some idea what the hell you are going to do with money when it comes your way. Just be cautious of getting wrapped up in dates, deadlines, promises, landing times... You get my drift. Plan NOT to be a statistic and be broke in less than 5 years. There will be alot of schrapnel if people are let down, if the news does not put money in your account NOW. Cause for the crying towels to come out big time. It is a cycle I have seen many times in my short 8 months or so on the board. Be excited but keep your feet planted firmly so a light wind doesn't come and swoop you away. Vultures are circling overhead waiting for their next prey. This is what they feed on. In the past on more than one ocassion when the company has released info that they thought the shareholders would be happy about, they still got slammed for it not being enough. And lets all keep it clean on PB49. We all have to make an extra effort out of respect for Star, Tramp and TexasPride and the mods. They are working hard to keep this board a "great place to be". Lets help them out! All IMHO of course. Di
Post by TexasPride on Oct 11, 2005 14:44:02 GMT -6
Thank you
Post by woopwoop on Oct 11, 2005 14:45:04 GMT -6
...i've been planning since Nov of last year....and that ain't no bull......i'm ready already dang it....let's get this show on the road.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Oct 11, 2005 14:45:13 GMT -6
Well Said, Di.
That being said, I've been here for five yrs and this is finally beginning to "feel" like the end play.
I hope it is.
Post by troydian on Oct 11, 2005 14:46:54 GMT -6
Exellent advice!
Post by troydian on Oct 11, 2005 14:47:38 GMT -6
I am sure shorty is not thru..
Post by ladydi on Oct 11, 2005 14:49:51 GMT -6
Thank you Your welcome! It is my sandbox too and I just want everyone to get along and have fun Seriously, other than those who would win by our demise... we really all do WANT THE SAME THING. Success for ourselves, our families and loved ones and a company we have all come to be quite attached too. Di
Post by tramp on Oct 11, 2005 14:50:37 GMT -6
just remember, once the news starts, its going all the way to the end of the year, and then some.. and cim will be announced somewhere in there, which i feel is 2006..
there is 18 months worth of news.. even 1 a week is 18 weeks, 2 a week is 9 weeks.
Post by sjc55 on Oct 11, 2005 14:54:01 GMT -6
ladydi wisdom, sjc
Post by alch11 on Oct 11, 2005 15:11:58 GMT -6
Thanks for reminding all to have some measure of sanity.
Post by gusjarvis on Oct 11, 2005 15:26:13 GMT -6
we have been let down for a year straight, hope for the best but expect to be dissappointed again this week will keep your sanity.
Post by ladydi on Oct 11, 2005 15:26:42 GMT -6
Thanks for reminding all to have some measure of sanity. LOL.. well I am included in the 'all'. Its our money and our future monies... how can we not be attached. So many good people have bought CMKX, it will be nice to see them reap the rewards. Di
Post by ericdraven on Oct 11, 2005 15:39:02 GMT -6
Use the next week or so WISELY .... Plan for your future and those that you care about. IMO, what is coming up will be unlike anything ever seen but many will panic if the money takes a few months or more to get fully realized.
You are smart for being here in the first place ... think it through, get some legal and accounting advice. Have a plan!!!! don't give to Uncle Sam what you don't have to. PLAN, plan and then plan some more. Think transfers and trust funds. Invest safely and wisely. Conservative with a huge sum of money is not a bad thing. Think CD's, Think Munies, think gold funds .... think it over and don't lose it!!!
Face it .... you got through life with what you have now. You job and your family. Enjoy some new comforts but don't go wild and crazy and give it all away on a whim. Remember MC Hammer ... he went from 40 million to broke from the parasites around him.
Each and every one of you DESERVES what is coming for your patience and persistent and most of all .... for your TRUST in UC. Every weak investor who ran at the negative posts and spins will regret this for life. Not us .... we are in ... and we WIN!!!!!! What a great bunch to share a fortune with.
Post by tbone on Oct 11, 2005 15:47:55 GMT -6
...i've been planning since Nov of last year....and that ain't no bull......i'm ready already dang it....let's get this show on the road. Dec, 2003 for me, I think I'm just about ready for some wealth (lol) but I will,,,, go to the bank 3 or 4 times to make sure it's really there before I get anymore excited ( as if that were possible) and start thinking in earnest of what I'm going to do next. I have family members who need help like yesterday so I'm hoping it happens you know the word.....SOON. GLTA in the Stock Play of a Lifetime.
Post by elwood on Oct 11, 2005 16:03:02 GMT -6
It's time for another recomendation of this great book. Sudden Money by Susan Bradley. From the Amazon website... "Turn Sudden Money into Lasting Wealth Maximize your wealth and minimize your stress and confusion with this unique, indispensable guide to handling a sudden financial windfall. Written by nationally recognized financial planner Susan Bradley, Sudden Money provides a complete program for successfully managing newfound wealth. Discover ways to: Stay calm and not make decisions based on your emotions Seek experienced, professional advice Avoid pressure from others Create and execute the best financial plan for you Whatever the sum involved, the impact of one’s emotional state on the way money is handled—or mishandled—cannot be underestimated. In addition to the legal intricacies of receiving sudden money, the element of surprise that catches people unprepared also often leaves them there. Here, at last, is a type of "owner’s manual" to sudden money that demystifies the process for recipients and their financial planners. Based on her work with countless clients, many of whose stories appear in this book, Bradley has developed a step-by-step program for moving safely through the three phases of building a solid financial foundation: Preparation and Planning Investing Monitoring, Giving, and Sharing Giving individual attention to each possible windfall event, Bradley addresses their distinct tax consequences, insurance and estate planning considerations, as well as the crucial emotional component. She also shares advice on how to put together the proper team of advisors, including an attorney and a therapist. When correctly handled, an unexpected windfall can provide expected benefits that will continue far beyond the lifetime of the initial recipient—–and turn sudden money into lasting wealth. Most important, Sudden Money provides you with easy-to-implement, proven ways to ensure that your financial gains are more than fleeting good fortune. " She even gives some hints on how to handle loan requests from friends, family and strangers. tinyurl.com/azeum
Post by jawz2020 on Oct 11, 2005 16:03:46 GMT -6
ON THE GROUND IS NOT THE PLACE TO BE WHEN WHAT IS EXPECTED IS A FLOOD - - - MAYBE EVEN A "PERFECT STORM" AS ANYBODY IN NEW ORLEANS CAN TELL YA but I know what ya mean, Lady Di WATCH FOR A POST TONIGHT FROM DR DIAMOND 1millionaire.proboards60.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1129065559 Just talked with Dr. D and he wanted me to tell « Thread Started on Today at 5:19pm » -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everyone not to get caught up in the emotions, not to set yourself up for a letdown, just stay level headed. he said there is no possible way for a cash divy by the 20th, although he does expect to hear good news but it doesn't have anything to do with a cash divy. but he feels the news will be setting us up for what is coming, he said he will try to get on the board later tonight,he has a full evening and asked me to pass on the message, thanks, granny
Post by holdnolonger on Oct 11, 2005 16:09:01 GMT -6
Not to rain on anyone's parade but with all the hype I just want to say that I hope everyone is standing above the tree line with their feet on the ground. Make a plan, keep a level head. Have some idea what the hell you are going to do with money when it comes your way. Just be cautious of getting wrapped up in dates, deadlines, promises, landing times... You get my drift. Plan NOT to be a statistic and be broke in less than 5 years. There will be alot of schrapnel if people are let down, if the news does not put money in your account NOW. Cause for the crying towels to come out big time. It is a cycle I have seen many times in my short 8 months or so on the board. Be excited but keep your feet planted firmly so a light wind doesn't come and swoop you away. Vultures are circling overhead waiting for their next prey. This is what they feed on. In the past on more than one ocassion when the company has released info that they thought the shareholders would be happy about, they still got slammed for it not being enough. And lets all keep it clean on PB49. We all have to make an extra effort out of respect for Star, Tramp and TexasPride and the mods. They are working hard to keep this board a "great place to be". Lets help them out! All IMHO of course. Di And remember to wear your waited suit for the moon walk when this baby hits.
Post by ladydi on Oct 11, 2005 16:15:24 GMT -6
Not to rain on anyone's parade but with all the hype I just want to say that I hope everyone is standing above the tree line with their feet on the ground. Make a plan, keep a level head. Have some idea what the hell you are going to do with money when it comes your way. Just be cautious of getting wrapped up in dates, deadlines, promises, landing times... You get my drift. Plan NOT to be a statistic and be broke in less than 5 years. There will be alot of schrapnel if people are let down, if the news does not put money in your account NOW. Cause for the crying towels to come out big time. It is a cycle I have seen many times in my short 8 months or so on the board. Be excited but keep your feet planted firmly so a light wind doesn't come and swoop you away. Vultures are circling overhead waiting for their next prey. This is what they feed on. In the past on more than one ocassion when the company has released info that they thought the shareholders would be happy about, they still got slammed for it not being enough. And lets all keep it clean on PB49. We all have to make an extra effort out of respect for Star, Tramp and TexasPride and the mods. They are working hard to keep this board a "great place to be". Lets help them out! All IMHO of course. Di And remember to wear your waited suit for the moon walk when this baby hits. WHAT... my bikini won't do J/K... the last time I wore a bikini I was drunk... no that was on the weekend at the bike rally. I mean drunk not wore a bikini. Never mind.... Di
Post by holdnolonger on Oct 11, 2005 16:33:38 GMT -6
LOL. Ladydi you can do both, we want let you float off. A rich drunk girl in a bikini is a high commodity.
Post by wwjdthrume on Oct 11, 2005 16:47:39 GMT -6
Great post and responses from all.
Ladydi, Thanks and you are a lady. I love your comment that 'this is my sandbox too.' So true and I sure hate it when people visit this board, act catty and use it as a litter box.
I have been planning for the last year and really feel very ready. I hope the property I want is still available when we do get some money. I know that there could be other pieces of property but the one I have my eye on is a unique gem and worth twice the asking price to me. It is maga cheap for what it is. I will show y'all the property after the purchase.
Sweet dreams to all and IMO-Debi
Post by ladydi on Oct 11, 2005 16:48:13 GMT -6
LOL. Ladydi you can do both, we want let you float off. A rich drunk girl in a bikini is a high commodity. Well no doubt fun will be in order and LOTS OF IT I appreciate that you wont let me float off by the way.... Di
Post by ladydi on Oct 11, 2005 16:50:41 GMT -6
Great post and responses from all. Ladydi, Thanks and you are a lady. I love your comment that 'this is my sandbox too.' So true and I sure hate it when people visit this board, act catty and use it as a litter box. I have been planning for the last year and really feel very ready. I hope the property I want is still available when we do get some money. I know that there could be other pieces of property but the one I have my eye on is a unique gem and worth twice the asking price to me. It is maga cheap for what it is. I will show y'all the property after the purchase. Sweet dreams to all and IMO-Debi I look forward to seeing it, sounds wonderful! You deserve all you heart desires and more. Di
Post by TexasPride on Oct 11, 2005 16:50:54 GMT -6
Debi When you get ready to open your fat farm, let me know, so I can build a Ben & Jerry's next door. You get 'em going in and I'll get 'em coming out.
Post by wwjdthrume on Oct 11, 2005 17:09:46 GMT -6
Debi When you get ready to open your fat farm, let me know, so I can build a Ben & Jerry's next door. You get 'em going in and I'll get 'em coming out. Hi Tex, When my husband and I got married we were both thin. My husband had run Marathons so he was fairly thin. I was more normal/thin but not skinny. Anyway, we ate a pint each of Ben and Jerry's every night for the first six months of our marriage and each gained 20 pounds. I had to quit the Ben and Jerry's Health Bar Crunch. It was tough but I did it. The property I want is a mountain top. It has nothing around for miles. So if you could build it downhill about 3 miles we could all walk down and burn it off on the way back. Mmmmm Ben and Jerry's. I am definitely not going to let myself be a fat woman. Growing older has enough challenges without lugging around a couple of vats of crisco every where you go. C'mon Urban Debi needs to get off the boards and open that fat farm. I did exercise today!!!!! Joined the local health club and went on the treadmill. I had a good workout and then hustled back thinking we might get a PR. The buzz was pretty loud today. But kind of quiet now. Maybe everyone is eating their ice cream. -IMO-Debi
Post by peterg2000 on Oct 11, 2005 17:14:09 GMT -6
Sorry to be so contrary but keeping my feet firmly on the ground IS THE LAST THING I want to do !! I've been dreaming of piloting all my life ! Way too expensive .I just hope CMKX gives me the financial freedom to do just that ! Pete