God of Diamonds
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Re: ***Rumor Discussion Thread***
« Result #1 Today at 3:29pm »
By: cbaughan
09 May 2011, 04:18 PM EDT
Great Post:
My brother (Rivertrader1000) and I have spent a lot of time on our CMKX scenario over the past several years. We’re not gurus, and certainly not guru wannabes – just two CMKX shareholders who, quietly over the last several years, have gotten many people involved in the stock with the hope and confidence that it will change their lives forever.
The paragraphs below are not based on any insider information – we have no secret sources aside from a friend or two who shares their opinion occasionally. Most of this, we all have known for sometime now, but we feel it’s prudent to put it in perspective given the fact that the company has made several statements of what is about to happen. The more we remind ourselves of these things, the more convinced we are that we're a matter of days away from receiving the beginnings of our ROI.
Some things that may seem apparent:
Why would a defunct, broke pennystock company like CMKM go to the trouble and significant expense to prepare and file ALL tax returns back to 2002? Obviously so that they could meet the necessary requirements to trade on a public stock exchange again. But why trade? If there is no present value and no anticipated future value to the company, why bother?
Why would this same inconsequential penny stock company go to the trouble and very considerable expense to hire a first-rate transfer agent firm to ENSURE that all stockholders’ contact information is correct and current? To be able to form an accurate and up to date shareholder database is the obvious answer. Why? And where did the money come from to pay for it? We’re broke, remember?
Why has the company not released their recently filed 2010 tax return? Could there be significant financial information on possible joint venture arrangements contained in the return that needs to remain confidential until a later date?
As the date looms near for the shareholders meeting (prior to June 25), it might be important to reflect on a few statements that the company has made.
First, that the shareholders meeting "will be an extremely large undertaking with a great deal of organizational and monetary requirements to make it happen correctly" (from the June 25, 2010 company update AND the February 26, 2011 update). What does that mean? "Extremely large" and "great deal of monetary requirements" signal to us that it will be celebratory and monumental affair in nature and one not likely to be held at a local Holiday Inn.
Also from the February 26, 2011 update: "The NEW CO, J/V agreement with 1010 is still a valid opportunity for our company. 1010 and CMKM have worked together throughout the year to develop a business plan however at this time, the Company has been unable to provide the large amount of funds needed to move this venture forward."
That statement begets one important question: Why would you even enter into talks with 1010 if you didn't EXPECT to have the money to move forward? Or, put differently, the company KNOWS they will have the money to move forward, otherwise they would not waste a year discussing it and getting it ready to go.
From the same February 26, 2011 update: "Mr. Koch has continued to secure the claims that hold potential value for the NEW Co and ultimately the sake of the shareholders. We are very confident in our partnership." Note that the last sentence was set in bold type by the company. They're not just confident…or fairly confident, they are very confident...they're even "in bold type" very confident! How confident is that!
We know we're doing a little reading between the lines here, but does it not sound to you like the upcoming shareholders' meeting is going to be a pretty big shindig to kick off the new phase of our soon-to-be prosperous journey?
We can't help but think there is an excellent chance that we will have money in hand before the meeting.
Why? Well, ask yourself this question: If you were in charge, would you schedule the shareholder's meeting knowing that several hundred somewhat broke, despondent and pissed off shareholders might show up?
We wouldn't. It would be an invitation to disaster. We think the last thing the company (and Urban) would take a chance on is another shareholder's meeting like the last one. Both the company and the shareholders have been on this train ride for a very long time. The company is very cognizant of what we have all been through and suffice it to say that this time the band will play, the balloons will fall and the fat lady will sing!
How much money? A penny a share? A nickel? Fifty cents? Eight dollars? Your guess.
We're thinking, "watch the mail over the next few days/weeks". The notice for the shareholders meeting (and quite possibly much, much more) just might be in your mailbox very soon.
Happy Mothers Day!