The following was sent out today by one of our local shareholders. It is written by another shareholder to whom I have mentioned her before. She is a psychic who works for the Govt. in that capacity. I just wanted to share her message with you all.
"Wow! Sad times, huh? So very sorry for those involved in these wars. So sorry that on the continent of Africa there are children who will chop an old adult to pieces with a machete. So sorry that there are adults in Iraq who will riddle a house containing many children with bullets, so that these innocents die, because some Commander thought it was a "stronghold". So sorry that in Palestine and Israel a tank runs over a young girl trying to stop the destruction of a home. So sorry that young men and women have to be trained and told to do these horrific things. And in the process loose their faith in anything, and then come home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that will plague them the rest of their lives.
So sorry that all those "great" men in the large mansions and with their many servants are not as smart as we pay them to be. Because if they were, we wouldn't be where we are!! So sorry that there seems to be no answer to the question. But, hey, who's asking for one?
So sorry... so sorry. But you see, there is an answer. No matter what your you really believe? I mean really, really believe? Then let's make the guys we pay to keep the peace and run the world worry about arguments. Let's us have nothing to do with it, but observe. Let them fight the some great arena's around the world and put the politicians who just can't figure it out in there to battle it out. We can all watch. But in the meantime as we watch we can make new friends. Friends they would have us call enemies.
You see, we're all tired of this. We've had enough! We won't give you our sons and daughters anymore! You get out there and do it! If in your great power and wisdom you can't stop what's
going on in this world now....then quit. We'll take care of it.
The whole mess. We'll stop strangers in the street and explain
to them what we're trying to do. We are trying to become sane
again, to love again, to be our brothers keeper. We want no more
wars, no matter how "just". Killing is never "just".
Fix the problems. If everyone just believed and got out there and did something...saved just one person who would save another and on and on...these leaders of ours would have to work to stop us because we would cost them their jobs. Talk about "outsourcing".
I am sorry about this rant, but some things need to be said. The Ten Commandments are just that.."commandments". There are no addendums to the tablets. They say what they say. Period. They are not suggestions, get it? They are commandments. And to our eternal injury we break them all the time. But the one that pertains to this is "Thou shalt not kill". Period. No addendum. This is the Hand of God writing. NO PS. ("Just wars"OK) NO! "Thou shalt not kill". If the people of the world understood the writings of all the great Religions and lived them, we would have paradise on earth. God never changes...His basics remain the same. And the one basic you won't find on a battlefield is "Love one another, as I have loved you." Stand in the middle of a bloody battlefield, among the maimed
and see if you think we got it wrong.
In the meantime, pray. Pray without ceasing that we'll get smart, real soon. I don't think we have much time left to be what we have become. So, since we're so near the end of the road already, light your candles. Be brave and bold. Be holy. Be prayerful. Be there for others. Light their candles. Who knows, maybe with enough illumination we can change the world. It will take a long time, but hey, I bet God will give it to us! Start makes tomorrow."
X(name deleted)
Nothing personal, but just being pragmatic: Unless this message is sent to the terrorists and other murderers, and they embrace these commandments as much as you say we should, then the God-fearing"good" people will become extinct, as the terrorists systematically kill all of us "infidels".
You can only turn the other cheek once before both cheeks have been hit! You can only be a peace-loving person until someone who ISN't puts a bullet in your brain.
Referring to the Old Testament, where the Tablets were given to Moses, Scripture also says "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
Make no mistake, only a crazy person wants war. When I was in the service myself, I know of no one who seriously wanted war. But if war was forced upon us (which this one was), then by God Almighty, we need to be prepared to win it at all costs, and not let the Washington bureaucrats try to win it for us until we lose!
I hazard to guess, but if the conflict were to be taking place on our shores, the first ones to die would be the ones who would refuse to fight.
Remember too, "for everything there is a season...a time for war and a time for peace..."
Even Jesus had a skirmish of sorts when he condemned the money-changers in the Temple, turning over their tables and removing them from the House of Worship.
I don't take any offense against the peace-niks. IMO, they get a free ride of liberty on the blood and backs of those who fight to preserve their freedoms to protest the activities that keep them safe.
My gripe comes when these peace-niks try to persuade our protectors to become peace-niks too. It only serves to undermine the buffer we all enjoy, between our free way of life, and a life lived under a bizarre radical religious fundamentalism, where most of us would suffer the death of decapitation, just because we believe in Jesus Christ, rather than their cruel interpretation of their god.
Judge others as you would have other judge you is another important commandment which was an addendum to the original ten. It says that what ever measure you use to judge others would be used to judge you. Not a problem. I judge the terrorists as barbarians by their use of decapitation and other similar means of punishment as cruel and unusual. I judge them to be murderers and accessories to murder for the thousands needlessly slaughtered in Iraq and other countries around the world (not to mention the WTC victims. I will be judged on the way I judge others? GREAT! I slaughtered no one. But to protect other innocents, I would kill these terrorists.
IMO, there is a big difference in protecting innocent life, and murdering unsuspecting innocent people, just trying to go to work...or enjoy a wedding party...or shopping at a grocery store..or riding a train...or sitting in school...or watching a theater production.
There is a need for war sometimes. and the outcome that is desired in any war, is to obliterate the enemy, win the war quickly, and return the victims to some semblance of normalcy.
If you feel all war for whatever cause is something to be sorry about, then I feel sorry for your naivete. Your global perspective need to mature a lot. You need to see some to these atrocities up close and personal...not the antiseptic versions you DON'T see on TV. Take a look at the face that is no longer a part of the little girl's body, after the bus explosion occurs on her way to school in Israel...detonated by the idiot homicide bomber!
Take a good look up close and personal at the mother laying on top of her baby, trying to protect it from the poison gas, sprayed from airplanes, under Saddam Husain's order. Both dead, but from the looks of their faces, dead after a horrible pain and suffering.
Grow up and realize this is a world with many horrible people. Evil exists! And evil must be dealt with in as severe manner as it takes to overcome it. To ignore the atrocities in hopes evil will stop is an immature and child-like attitude that will only serve to provide more innocents for the fires.
With all due respect, grow up and open your eyes! War is terrible, but it is necessary to preserve what good is still remaining on this planet.
I am a Viet Nam era veteran, and proud of it. I was lucky in that I didn't have to go in-country. War is rough, and good people do die. I grieve for them. But I celebrate the death of the evil that results from a well-trained force and overwhelming technological superiority. (if only we were permitted to use ALL of our superior technology).
The young men and women who are trained, are not trained to do horrific things. I am thinking you mis-spelled
heroic. For as surely as you sit in your comfortable safe home, you have THEM to thank for it.
If I may be so bold as to suggest, I would suggest that you make their safety and success your primary focus of your prayers. Their safety and success means you will continue to BE safe and secure.
How ironic. They risk their lives to protect people like you who have absolutely no concept of what thin ice you live on! And you sit back and minimize their sacrifices. You try to undermine their morale! You would prefer a lost war and domination by evil, than the alternative your heroic military would provide.
SHAME on you!
BTW, if your psychic "abilities" are as "on-the-money" as your ideas about good vs. evil, you may keep your psychic thought to yourself, as they are probably as full of holes as your anti-war drivel. Thank you.