I am in Green River, Wyoming, is that close enough?
Hi wyogirl,
I worked in Green River on three separate occasions from the first big construction/oil boom in the mid 70's through the early 80's. Over the years out there, I think I did it all. Mined, drilled test-holes for explosives all over that state, a lot of big construction (Jim Bridger Power plant and others), pushed a 60 ton crane from one missile silo construction site to another - just a bunch of stuff.
I was heading to work at Jim Bridger at 4:00am on I-80E maybe 10 miles east of Rock Springs when the horizon went up in an explosion and flames. Somebody(s) took out Point of the Rocks (our turn-off to get to Jim Bridger) and a damn good part of the freeway with an explosion. The 50,000 gallon storage tank cut loose. Missed work for a few days. lol
An aside, I had just stepped out from a bar and was less than 1/2 block away from where your sheriff, can't remember his name, was in a patrol car with two of his deputies. One deputy was a drug undercover fellow who lost his bearings unfortunately. The undercover fellow sitting in the back seat, for reasons I never did learn, tried to shoot the sheriff. The sheriff, I found out later - I already knew he was a ranking black belt in Karate - was the fastest draw with a handgun in the world!
Shot his deputy square in the head! I had enough to drink by then - and given all the damn shootings going on ALL the time back then - I'd thought someone was taking a potshot at me. lol. I'm glad the sheriff got off. I'd never seen anyone quite like that man. Impressive!
I have never seen more shootings and knifings and down-right fun, no holds barred, saloon fights in my entire life than I did then. Managed to get into a few of them myself - just the fights, not the shootings or knifings. lol I did love my time there.
I did start my share of them too! Back then I used to drink.
;D Sober as a fish now.
And, please understand, I do own cowboy boots. However, we're talking sports here.
I'd walk into a cowboy bar. No hippies, no city folk allowed type of place, often on Front Street, by the tracks. I'd find a REAL BIG fella; one whom I thought could take care of himself for a bit, whilst we mixed it up. I'd sit right next to him, as close as I could get, and begin staring at his cowboy boots. Nor would I stop, regardless of what he said until he learned to ask the proper question.
The proper question, when finally asked, was on the order of: "Just what the #@%& do you think you are lookin' at A$%H&%$?" That, or some other variation upon that theme.
When I finally got the boy trained up, as it were, I'd allow as how I'd only ever heard of such pretty, pointed little shoes being worn by but two life-form in all of Creation. I was a bit perplexed and was trying to figure out which one of the two life-forms he might be.
Was he the cowboy, or was he the fairy!
It NEVER failed to get the fight on. Of course, I'd only do something this stupid when I was drunk, so I didn't always come out on top of our little scuffles. lol
At any rate, back to where we were. Both Tramp and I worked at the mines. I was underground with Allied Chemical and I believe Tramp said he was with FMC. Could have been Stauffer, but you might wish to ask him.
Since $entinel, won't drive the 3 1/2 hours to Green River you might want, with you and Tramp in Wyoming, to try and find a few more folks from your neck of the woods to do a get-together.
Anyway, it's fun to see someone from SE Wyoming also holding CMKX. Maybe we'll get to meet each other at one of our grand get-togethers. I hope so.
Be well.