By: tuscan9
09 Oct 2011, 05:56 PM EDT
you stated:
" the noise " is fading ... just a
bunch of CMKX burnouts scattered all over the country with a story they are embarrassed to talk about...
yes, the flame has fizzelled...
under the circumstances on the world scene,...
and the small percentage of shareholders who EVER came to boards to
DD the stock they had purchased... this small group left now that
have continued to educate themselves is 'tired'...
to that I say ...'GOOD!' !!!!!!!!!!!
not the case any year before now in cmkmland...
you could walk through the
streets of cmkmland and hear convos of that 'jazzy car'.. the 'speed'.. the awesome 'appearance'..
or the Boat.. no, Ship!!, that many had picked out for FIRST fast purchase.
or the Home high on the hill overlooking the peasants..
or for that matter.. how many did we hear say they had picked out the PLANE!!!
now, after many a year.. those in cmkmland are weary and more
adept in understanding just where we sit now in serious matter if money arrives. Now we see riots in the streets over the 'millionaires' and the peasants...!
see people in the streets waving their fists over those 'Ivory Tower
character's who have money, while the street people do not.
well, the people In the street.
but wait.......what IF we got slipped a payment in the months to come..?
would we be those jerky millionaires that all the latest new rules are being made FOR.. or because of?
Would the people in the streets be able to tell the difference between the old Blue blood Ivory Tower characters...? and us?
answer is folks... NO... and they wouldn't stop to ask us if the ramp up in this ticked off world of jobless people continues ...
do you GET IT? do you get what you will have to DO ... better yet,
NOT do, if money comes to those in cmkmland?
you see where I am going with this...?
now think about something.........
do you think all those in cmkmland... the 99% of cmkm BONA FIDE
shareholders who NEVER have stepped foot in cmkmland to do any personnal
DD'ing; thinking; sharing; reading; and 'waiting'...they just lived life.....threw the CERT and lived life all these years!
You think those people will understand what WE now do? About the
very 'delicate' position of laying low... that we now understand would be WISDOM?
You have to figure they will think they can buy that Car.. that Home.. throw the moolah around.. tell stories.. tell how great a investor they are.. flaunt... throw the tips with the noisy mouth...get the limo to drop them off at the restaurant.......
No one has to dO ALL of the above... just goof up on ONE of the above listed could at present... or in the future.... get them into a heap of trouble that they would wish they had NOT gotten themselves or their family in.
How many do you think will pass that test with flying colors of laying the same life.... and keeping a muzzle on it ?!
Maybe 'SOME' in the land of cmkm will have learned in all the years of 'Watching the World' with such keen eyes....
so, if the 'noise' is gone in cmkmland...
thats a Good Thing !~
(tic toc)